6 June - 19 July 2024
Installation view, ERNESTO CAIVANO: Overland, at Susan Inglett Gallery, NYC. Photo: Adam Reich
Celestial bodies, flourishing vegetation, and towering formations of stone, rendered exquisitely in ink and graphite, welcome the viewer into Ernesto Caivano’s simultaneously foreign and familiar world. Acting as the mise en scène for an overarching story of a star-crossed man-and-woman-turned-knight-and-princess, and the opposing, yet intertwined, forces of nature and technology, Caivano acts as the visual narrator of this tale, rich with references and alive with action.
ERNESTO CAIVANO, Planetoid Pendulums (or Reverse Pendulum Codes), 2015
“After the Woods” is a tale of separation, misunderstanding, reunion, and fated evolution. It revolves around Polygone and Versus, two lovers who are torn apart upon conceiving a child and transported to an alternate reality and universe. Through time, Polygone is transfigured from Renaissance princess into a spaceship, representing advancements in technological intelligence. Versus in his knight’s armor transforms into an oak tree, indicating his ability to attract and affect the natural order, including speeding evolutionary growth in plant life to absurd proportions. The forest they inhabit, including its creatures, develop bizarre adaptations informed by folklore, scientific speculation, and myth. In this fantastical reality and encoded labyrinth, Nature gains access to human archives. The ultimate fate of Polygone and Versus is to dissolve and transcend as one environment, giving birth to Polyverse. All of my artwork orbits the core of this story, although it is not produced or exhibited as a chronological narrative.
Cairns of stone balance precariously, seeming to defy our laws of physics, and the vibrant facets of violet, cobalt, and crimson make sparse appearances throughout an otherwise monochrome depiction of this world. The monolithic structures point skyward, Caivano’s upward gaze depicting celestial phenomena in circular compositions as if observed through a telescope. Color is more boldly wielded in the form of stratified landscapes, spreading towards the horizon, while terrestrial ecology takes shape as intricate floral blooms and botanical anomalies, trading herbaceous vein networks for geometric, coded pathways.
The otherness of these elements, however disparate in their subject matter, creates a visual and thematic unity that clues and elaborates the ongoing narrative After the Woods. The transforming lovers use their cairns and codes to communicate, asserting their presence, love, and bond in this tale of separation and reunion. Caivano uses drawing and this modern-day mythogenesis as a way for the viewer to contemplate time, erosion, structures, impermanence, and the cosmos both within and without.
ERNESTO CAIVANO, Strata Horizon and Sun, 2018
They stand by an eroded stack of rocks, which formed an impenetrable wall. A streak of mineral deposits veined towards dust and grounded material at its base. As if the ages had wept from fissures to return in a restful soil. Standing there, it is hard to know if she waited for them, or if they waited for her to emerge. Millions of years she had bound an elbow, a bone, nail, flesh, and hair into liquid rock, and they waited the bleeding. Did she summon them to watch, to extract, to suck the subterranean gems of light, wanting only to return to light of sun, and burn? Plants from rocks devour rock, give birth to mobile creatures, then shaped rock and made the world. Why ascend to the sky and not bury deep in her womb? At rock bottom, the monument imago emerges—a strange strata strategy.
Installation view, ERNESTO CAIVANO: Overland, at Susan Inglett Gallery, NYC. Photo: Adam Reich
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