Following her site-specific installation NETWORK, currently on view at the Menil Drawing Institute, and her commission The Amina Project for the group exhibition, PROCESS, at Alexander McQueen London, Reticulation represents an expansion of Kure’s established oeuvre and a deeper consideration of past, present, and emerging systems of power. Through abstraction, Kure asks how visible and invisible structures can be dissolved into line.


Reticulation investigates our shared responsibility in perpetuating networks of exchange. Kure uses line as mark, metaphor, memory, and systems tracker. Using sculptures created in Nigeria, as well as paper and canvas marked and soaked in natural pigment—kola nut, indigo, and charcoal—the artist places pressure on the material components of her drawings as commodities that map the movement of bodies throughout time.


Drawing has been a life-long journey. It’s been a language that I’ve been trying to understand for the longest time—from historic South African cave drawings, to collage, to sewing—trying to find my own way of drawing the line. Line is not a mere mark on paper, it’s something that contains memory, purpose, and thought. Line is something that we all engage with daily, our entire body participates in making the mark, implicating us all in a vast interconnected and entangled network that continues beyond the wall.

- Marcia Kure